Making of Pumpkin Seed Oil
The Styrian Pumpkin Seed Oil Blog

Bee flight through pumpkin field
Bee flight through pumpkin field

Have you always wanted to ride on the back of a honeybee through an oil pumpkin field?

From field to bottle - pushing pumpkins together
From field to bottle - pushing pumpkins together

Before the oil pumpkins can be threshed, they are pushed together in rows.

Pumpkin seed oil season 2021 officially opened
Pumpkin seed oil season 2021 officially opened

We officially opened this year's pumpkin season with a big Sunrise Breakfast.

Autumn day at pumpkin field
Autumn day at pumpkin field

Even if the poet wrote about grapes - it fits perfectly for pumpkins, too.

The Pumpkin Seed Oil Success Formula is 140-70-4
The Pumpkin Seed Oil Success Formula is 140-70-4

Good pumpkin seed oil is not created by itself. It is a concatenation of many factors. The first success factor is to know the perfect measure. And it's not 90-60-90 but 140-70-4.

Where does my Pumpkin Seed Oil come from?

Here you can trace online where your Pumpkin Seed Oil comes from. The white-green seal is the identification mark for Original Styrian Pumpkin Seed Oil PGI.

What is the meaning of PGI?

In connection with Styrian Pumpkin Seed Oil you often can See the addition PGI. Did you ever wonder what it means?

Is Styrian Pumpkin Seed Oil Cold Pressed?

This question is asked often and occasionally it is discussed quite controversionally. However, it is not so easy to answer with yes or no, because Pumpkin Seed Oil has a special status. Here are the facts.

Making of Pumpkin Seed Oil

Before pumpkinseed oil is able to delight your palatine it takes a lot of time and effort. Join a pumpkin seed on its journey from sowing on the field to the bottle.

What is the shelf life of Styrian Pumpkin Seed Oil?

One of the most frequent questions we hear is regarding the durability of Pumpkin Seed Oil. Get the answer here.

Hitchhiking virus loves the squash family

Before I get started, let me introduce myself. I’m zucchini yellow mosaic virus, or ZYMV for short. Bet you can’t guess what my favorite vegetable is.

Everything You Need to Know About Pumpkin Seed Oil

Joy McCarthy has been on vacation in holiday and discovered Styrian Pumpkin Seed Oil. Here are some comments of her excellent blog post about health benefits, how to enjoy it and to store it.

How to make Pumpkin Seed Oil

The process of producing the oil is very tedious and time consuming. Pumpkin seed oil is extracted from the seeds of the Styrian pumpkin, native to Austria.

Low yield to increase costs of Austrian pumpkin seed oil

Austrian pumpkin farmers who like to tout the popular pumpkin seed oil for its health benefits are expecting increasing costs for their oil following a poor season that resulted in only 50 percent of usual yield due to bad weather.

The documentation THE GREEN GOLD shows the tasting of the year's best pumpkin oils and gives insights into the methods of processing.

Tracing the origin of Styrian pumpkin oil

Researchers in Austria have developed a way to test whether premium Styrian pumpkin seed oil is sourced from its native homeland of Austria or other parts of the world.

Chemistry formulas of Pumpkin Seed Oil

Pumpkin seed oil - INCI Curcubita pepo (pumpkin) seed oil - is a high linoleic acid oil with 12 to 18% palmitic acid (C16), 5 to 8% stearic acid (C18), 24 to 41% oleic acid (C18:1), and 18 to 62% linoleic acid (C18:2), with an average of 50% or so.

100% Pure Styrian Pumpkin Seed Oil.
No adulterated oil. No chinese or russian seeds. Everything from Styria. 
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