Pumpkin seed oil is an oil made from the seeds of pumpkins.
Hereditary-pattern hair loss is a global problem for both men and women. However, there are natural remedies for thinning hair.
Did you know that pumpkin seed oil has been clinically proven to improve the number and thickness of hair after 24 weeks in people with hair loss?
Striae or Stretch marks during pregnancy are caused by stretching or loosening the tissue. Pumpkin Seed Oil strengthens the tissue and may help.
Soap making is a very nice, creative hobby and soaps are also an excellent gift idea. Here are a few ideas for making soaps with pumpkin seed oil.

Recently, owners of dogs have discovered that the valuable ingredients of pumpkin seed oil are also beneficial to the man's best friend.

The multi talent Pumpkin Seed oil is also appreciated in cosmetics. Here are some ideas for your daily use:

Pumpkin Seed Oil lowers the cholesterol level and strengthens the immune system. Pumpkin Seed Oil therefore should not be missed in any healthy cuisine.

All the important and healthy contents are contained naturally in Pumpkin Seed Oil. It should not be missed in any modern, health conscious food plan.

If the prostate increases, we speak of benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH). Pumpkin Seed Oil inhibits the growth of the cells.

A comparative study by the Graz University of Technology has shown that Pumpkin Seed Oil is healthier than other oils.

Benefits of pumpkin seed oil for hair growth.

The most effective methods and tips that will make your hair look amazing and healthy.

We’ve heard all about coconut oil and olive oil, but did you know that there are other oils you’re missing out on? Pumpkin seed oil benefits are amazing.

You can get your hands on pumpkin seeds on about any store's snack aisle, but your healthiest option may be the old-fashioned way: scooping them out of the stringy guts of that jack-o'-lantern you're carving.

Pumpkin seeds and pumpkin seed oil is nutrient-packed, and health protective. Here are six key pumpkin seed perks and some simple ways to incorporate them into your meals and snacks.

Apart from being rich in minerals and antioxidants, pumpkin seeds are easily portable and have a crispy, nutty taste. Plus, the other benefits of pumpkin seeds overshadow its small size.

Pumpkin is coming. Even Starbucks offers a pumpkin spice latte. But Pumpkin is more than delicious. It has some amazing benefits for your skin as well.

Paris Lynn on the many beauty benefits in addition to tasting good and creating decor.

Foods show health benefits in ways where you have least expect them. For instance, the seeds present in the pumpkin fruits boast numerous benefits for your well-being.

Pumpkin Seed Oil is among the recommended foods that can help - and avoid - if you want to boost your thinning hair, banish eye bags, have fewer wrinkles or even whiter teeth.

How pumpkin seed oil helpes an 81-year-old mother of five with her overactive bladder.

Divya Purushotham, founder and chief nutritionist at Sano Holistic Nutrition Clinic comments the benefits of pumpkin seeds and pumpkin seed oil.

It is quite possible to make certain changes in your lifestyle and diet and improve the prostate health.

With our constant health discoveries and research studies one important healthy food keeps flying under the radar: The pumpkin.

Korean scientists also found that supplementation with pumpkin seed oil caused significant hair growth in men with Androgenetic Alopecia (male pattern baldness).

Besides being tasty, pumpkins provide a wide variety of health and beauty benefits, especially in the form of cold-pressed pumpkin seed oil.

Pumpkin seed oil is a remarkably powerful source of health benefits: It includes the ability to improve heart health, boost the appearance of your skin, improve circulation, strengthen the bones, preventdepression, stimulate hair growth, eliminate inflammation, balance hormones and protect the prost