Pumpkin seed oil often leaves annoying marks on tablecloths, napkins or clothes. Read on to learn how to remove pumpkin seed oil stains.

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If your best piece has been blemished by a pumpkin seed oil stain, do not try to wash this first. Pumpkin seed oil stains can be quite stubborn.
Simply put it in sun light
Pumpkin seed oil is light sensitive. This feature is the secret for cleaning pumpkin seed oil oil stains. Just hang your stained part in the sun. The UV light fades the unsightly spots within a short time. Then wash the good piece just as usual, and the stains are gone!
This is also the reason why pumpkin seed oil is bottled in dark bottles or light-tight cans. Otherwise the UV radiation would turn its taste into bitter. Keep this in mind when you marinate your lettuce outdoors with pumpkin seed oil and the sun is shining on it. If you prefer the nutty flavor to a bitter taste, eat your salad better in the shade than in sun light.
Which home remedies may also help against pumpkin seed oil stains
Pour mineral water over the affected area and dab it off again. Important: Do not rub or the fabric will absorb much of the fat on.
Apply the stain decently with bile soap and let it work for some while. Then off to the washing machine (or flush by hand).
A fat stain remover would be your choice if you like chemical cleaning.
<a href="https://www.pumpkinseedoil.cc/blog/how-to-eliminate-pumpkin-seed-oil-stains">How to eliminate pumpkin seed oil stains | pumpkinseedoil.cc</a><br>Pumpkin seed oil often leaves annoying marks on tablecloths, napkins or clothes. Read on to learn how to remove pumpkin seed oil stains.
The link will look like this:
How to eliminate pumpkin seed oil stains | pumpkinseedoil.cc
Pumpkin seed oil often leaves annoying marks on tablecloths, napkins or clothes. Read on to learn how to remove pumpkin seed oil stains.