Besides being tasty, pumpkins provide a wide variety of health and beauty benefits, especially in the form of cold-pressed pumpkin seed oil.
Benefits to Skin and Hair
Pumpkin seed oil is chock full of antioxidants and essential fatty acids making it especially amazing for hair and skin health. Pumpkin contains Vitamins A, B in the form of biotin, E, K, sulfur, zinc, magnesium, and L-tryptophan.
Health Benefits
A dosage of 1-2 tablespoons or 1-2 capsules a day can improve kidney function, maintain urinary tract health, reduce inflammation from arthritis, lower LDL and increase HDL cholesterols, protect from osteoporosis, improve insomnia, and defend against depression.
Additionally pumpkin seed oil contains the amino acid cucurbitin that has anti-parasitic activities, helping with parasite infestations such as tape worm and roundworm.
Pumpkin seed oil is truly a miracle oil and is the reason we have added it in a high percentage to our anti-aging moisturizing facial oil.