The power of nature as a natural remedy is being researched more and more. Pumpkin Seed Oil is a natural product with extraordinary properties. It convinces not only by its nutty taste and pleasant aroma but also by its health-affecting characteristics. Pumpkin Seed Oil is very versatile.
On this page, we present some application areas and ingredients. Please note the information on the Note and Disclaimer.
How to apply Pumpkin Seed Oil

for prostate problems
The positive effects of pumpkin seed oil on the prostate have long been known and well documented in numerous studies. Pumpkin seed oil inhibits cell growth and thus works against prostatic hyperplasia.
How does pumpkin seed oil help with prostate problems?
The ingredients of pumpkin seeds, especially phytosterols, are so effective due to their hormone-like effect that in many cases surgical intervention can be avoided. Phytosterols inhibit the formation of dihydrotestosterone, which is mainly responsible for prostate enlargement.

for urinary incontinence
The ingredients of pumpkin seed oil have a positive effect on various types of urinary incontinence.
How does pumpkin seed oil help with incontinence?
Especially the high concentration of phytosterols influences the urological metabolism. The bladder system is supported in its function by strengthening the bladder muscles. In this way, incontinence is counteracted.

for joint diseases
Pumpkin seed oil is used in naturopathy to support the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and arthrosis.
Which ingredients of pumpkin seed oil help with joint problems?
Als reines Naturprodukt enthält Kürbiskernöl zahlreiche Antioxidantien, Fettsäuren und andere Spurenelemente, die antientzündliche Eigenschaften aufweisen. Auf diese Weise kann Kürbiskernöl zur Linderung der Symptome von Gelenksentzündungen beitragen. Wissenschaftliche Studien haben darüberhinaus sogar nachgewiesen, dass Kürbiskernöl auch einen positiven Effekt auf entzündliche Gelenksveränderungen hat.

for cardiovascular complaints
Pumpkin seed oil reduces cholesterol levels in the human body with the help of the phytosterols it contains. Together with the potassium content in pumpkin seed oil, this has a positive effect on cardiovascular health.
How does pumpkin seed oil work against cardiovascular diseases?
Pumpkin seed oil consists of nearly 80 percent unsaturated fatty acids. These have a positive effect on unhealthy cholesterol and reduce its share in the total cholesterol level. That helps against Arteriosklerose and can prevent Heart Attacks and Insults. In addition, the potassium-rich food pumpkin seed oil leads to a well-dosed, heart-strengthening potassium intake of the body.

for high blood pressure
In naturopathy pumpkin seed oil is also used against high blood pressure.
How does pumpkin seed oil help with high blood pressure?
The active ingredient potassium is responsible for this. Potassium is sufficiently present in pumpkin and has a positive effect on blood vessels and blood pressure. Potassium also drains water and draws edema and toxins from the tissues. Unfortunately, potassium is generally rather neglected in diets. More than 70% of the population does not consume the recommended daily amount through food. Pumpkin seed oil is therefore a good dietary supplement for high blood pressure.

for infections
The antioxidant effect of selenium and vitamin E protects the human body from free radicals. The anti-inflammatory effect of pumpkin seed oil can help to contain infections.
Which infections respond particularly well to pumpkin seed oil?
Pumpkin seeds and pumpkin seed oil are believed to be particularly good for treating bladder and kidney related conditions. It is also possible that the ingredients can also help to prevent breast cancer - studies are still underway.

to strengthen the immune system
In naturopathy pumpkin seed oil serves not only to prevent but also to cure diseases. The high content of antioxidants strengthens the immune system and helps to protect cells and cell walls by fighting against aggressive oxygen molecules.

for hair loss
Pumpkin seed oil has been described often as a true miracle cure for hair. The natural oil has a lot of ingredients that have a positive effect on hair growth and structure and therefore should not only not be missing in any kitchen but also in any bathroom.
How does pumpkin seed oil benefit your hair?
Due to the concentrated active ingredients, pumpkin seed oil is extremely suitable for the care and health of your hair, among other things with the following effects:
* It strengthens the hair follicles due to the contained vitamin E, which stimulates blood circulation in the scalp.
* Pumpkin seed oil combats hair loss. Due to the healthy fats, it limits the formation of dihydrotestosterone, which is responsible for increasing hair loss, especially in men with genetic hair loss.
* The antioxidants and vitamin A contained in the oil counteract dry scalp, which restricts dandruff formation.
* Shiny hair is caused by the B vitamins in pumpkin seed oil.
* It also moisturises your hair. And the iron minerals in pumpkin seed oil make your hair stronger.

for skin and fingernails
The vitamin A contained in pumpkin seed oil mainly fights Acne and psoriasis. Pumpkin seed oil works internally, but is also often used externally in cosmetics as a carrier oil. The contained vitamins A and E as well as the carotenoids care for the skin. Pumpkin seed oil reduces the formation of wrinkles, helps with scaly or cracked skin and prevents the skin from drying out.
How to use pumpkin seed oil for the skin
Applied pure pumpkin seed oil benefits the skin particularly. It can also be used as a face mask or foot bath. A nail bath with pumpkin seed oil also gives the nails a new shine.

for dogs
Meanwhile, word has got around that pumpkin seed oil not only has a positive effect on people's health, but also on dogs.
How healthy is pumpkin seed oil for my dog?
Pumpkin seed oil has special properties due to its ingredients, which can have a positive effect on the health of the dog. Pumpkin seed oil is often used by dogs for detoxification and prevention of worm infestation. It is also helpful for inflammation of the kidneys, bladder and urinary tract, and is anti-inflammatory.
Simply mix the pumpkin seed oil into your daily food ration - your little darling will love it! Depending on the size of the dog you give a different daily dose. Small dogs get about half a teaspoon, medium dogs a whole teaspoon and big dogs two teaspoons of pumpkin seed oil.
Read more on this

to heat stimulation therapy
Pumpkin seed oil can be used alone or in combination with other vegetable oils (olive oil, avocado oil or safflower oil) or matching ethereal oils for rubbing in the most diverse complaints.
How does this massage with pumpkin seed oil work?
Just put some pumpkin seed oil with other vegetable or essential oils in your hand to adjust to your body temperature. Gently massage the affected area until the oil is completely absorbed by the skin. The effect is achieved through heat-stimulation therapy because it is rubbed onto the skin as a fat foreign to the skin. The metabolism is influenced in these areas and the skin and underlying tissue layers react with warming. The blood circulation is stimulated.

deposits in the arteries
Nowadays, deposits in the blood vessels caused by cholesterol and triglicerides are a serious and common health problem. Pumpkin seed oil promises relief through its properties
How can pumpkin seed oil help with artery deposits?
Acute pain can often be relieved by rubbing it with pumpkin seed oil. This can support the doctor's treatment.

for intervertebral disc problems
Acute pain can often be relieved by rubbing it with pumpkin seed oil. This can support the doctor's treatment.

for a fat-modified diet

for elevated blood lipid values
By replacing animal fats with pumpkin seed oil, blood lipid levels can be reduced.
How does pumpkin seed oil influence blood lipid values?
Triglicerides and cholesterol are largely influenced by diet. High blood fat values are a risk factor in the area of cardiovascular diseases. In addition, this exchange also protects the liver.

for scars treatment
With the help of vitamins and antioxidants pumpkin seed oil works very well against small scars.
How does pumpkin seed oil help with scars?
Massage the scar regularly with pumpkin seed oil and the scarring will decrease over time.

for heartaches
In case of heart pain, it is recommended to rub the chest area including shoulder and arm with pumpkin seed oil as support for the treatment of the cause by a doctor.
How does pumpkin seed oil help with heart pain?
This massage loosens up the tissue, relieves tension and soothes the subjective feeling of pain. Please keep in mind that pumpkin seed oil only has a supportive effect here, the treatment must be carried out by a doctor.

for headaches
With pumpkin seed oil headaches can often be relieved. Rub the temple area, forehead and/or neck with some pumpkin seed oil. Then rest a little with the window open or in the fresh air or go for a walk.
Pumpkin Seed Oil Ingredients

Vitamins A, B1, B2, C and E
Vitamins help to accelerate biochemical processes. These organic substances play a decisive role in the metabolic process. These vitamins are not produced by the body itself. It is therefore worth adding pumpkin seed oil to the salad.
What happens if there is a vitamin deficiency?
A vitamin deficiency impairs the metabolism and can lead to diseases and in extreme cases even to death. The regular intake of vitamin A is particularly important as it remains stored in the body for only a short time.

Minerals and trace elements
Pumpkin seed oil contains numerous minerals, including Chloro, Iron, Fluor, Iodine, Potassium, Calcium, Copper, Magnesium, Sulfur and Zinc.
How often should pumpkin seed oil be taken?
Pumpkin seed oil is best taken regularly in order to fully enjoy the effects of all the ingredients. Better than preparing a meal with pumpkin seed oil every now and then, is to take a daily dose.

Fatty acids
Pumpkin seed oil naturally contains only 9% saturated fatty acids. Of the polyunsaturated fatty acids, it contains 34% monounsaturated fatty acids, 55% double unsaturated fatty acids and even 2% triple unsaturated fatty acids.
What do unsaturated fatty acids do in the body?
Unsaturated fatty acids are used in brain, have anti-inflammatory effects, are building blocks for hormones and support cell division. You can learn more about unsaturated fatty acids on Wikipedia.
Niacin (Vitamin B3)
The vitamin niacin contained in pumpkin seed oil has a positive effect on health. It helps with arteriosclerosis and with too high cholesterol values.
How can you tell niacin deficiency?
Signs of niacin deficiency include insomnia, fatigue, loss of appetite, and weight loss as well as depressive mood and irritability.
Panthotenic acid (vitamin B5)
Panthotenic acid is contained in pumpkin seed oil. In the cosmetic and pharmaceutical industry it is used to treat unclean skin and acne.
Can pumpkin seed oil be heated?
Heat damages this vitamin. Therefore pumpkin seed oil should always be used cold. In hot dishes you can add the oil to the dish just before serving, but you should not use it when cooking or frying so that the valuable ingredients are not lost.
Biotin (Vitamin B7)
This vitamin is also contained in pumpkin seed oil. The human organism needs it for example for healthy skin, hair, fingernails and toenails.
What else does biotin do?
Additionally, the human body needs biotin for fat and protein metabolism and for the conversion of genetic information.
This phytosterol occurring in pumpkin seed oil reduces the cholesterol uptake in the intestine. It lowers the LDL-cholesterol, inhibits the development of carcinogenic substances and influences the hormonal balance in the prostate and bladder. Disturbances during watering are thereby improved.
Are there any scientific studies on this?
Scientific studies have shown that men with a enlarged prostate felt an improvement when they received beta-sitosterol.
Delta 7 Sterol
Because of this ingredient, pumpkin seed oil is very popular with people with hair loss. It prevents the so-called DHT from attaching itself to the hair follicles and thus supports the hair roots.
What else does Delta-7 sterol do to the body?
Additionally, Delta-7 sterol prevents the pathological growth of the prostate (BPH - Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia) in men.
Studies have shown that phytosterol in pumpkin seed oil heart and circulatory diseases counteracts this by regulating the cholesterol level.
What else can phytosterols do?
Phytosterols also have a beneficial effect on prostate and androgenetic (genetic) hair loss.
In Asia, foods have a higher percentage of phytoestrogens. There, heat surges during menopause, cardiovascular diseases, osteoporosis and estrogen-dependent cancers occur less frequently than in western industrialized countries.
What are phytoestrogens?
By the way, the name phytoestrogens sounds worse than it is: they are not estrogens in the chemical sense, but have only a structural similarity with them.
Carotenoids are considered to be of great health importance in the human body. As antioxidants, they are believed to prevent many diseases such as cancer, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, rheumatism, arteriosclerosis and cataracts.
How should one take carotenoids?
Like all other secondary plant substances, carotenoids should not be taken in isolation but in a natural compound with other food ingredients, otherwise they may even cause symptoms of poisoning. Pumpkin seed oil therefore offers the ideal environment for the absorption of carotenoids.
The high content of antioxidants in pumpkin seed oil strengthens the immune system, fights against aggressive oxygen molecules and helps to protect the cell and cell wall.
How should antioxidants be taken?
Scientists agree that taking concentrated preparations is not recommended. Antioxidants offer the highest protection potential in a natural compound, i.e. through food. Due to its ingredients pumpkin seed oil offers the ideal environment for the absorption of antioxidants in the human body.
Producing a rarity

After washing and drying the pumpkin seeds, they are roasted over low heat, with a constantly stirring. It is the secret of the roasting master for generations how exactly the gentle tender, nutty roast aromas are created at this process.
After this elaborate preparation the seeds are getting pressed. The result is unique, highly aromatic Styrian Pumpkin Seed Oil. Viscously it runs out of the oil press, typically dark green with reddish shimmer. After giving the oil another day to settle, it's ready for bottling. This is how you can buy it here.
More about production Buy freshly pressed Oil

Most people choose Pumpkin Seed Oil because of the many proven health benefits for humans and pets.
But Original Styrian Pumpkin Seed Oil offers even more: A world with a seductive aroma reminding of freshly baked bread crust and walnuts. Many chefs capture this culinary enrichment to bring food to a level they would not have thought possible.
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Health & Beauty Culinary & Lifestyle Pumpkin Seed Oil Shop
The Styrian Oil Pumpkin
Here in Styria, southern Austria, pumpkin farming has been a tradition for centuries. The Styrian Oil Pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo var. styriaca) is a unique variety of edible pumpkins and has shell-less seeds.The sandy, well-aired soils and the humid, warm climate in Styria let this specialty thrive extraordinary well here. And this can be seen, smelled and tasted in the Styrian Pumpkin Seed Oil: Intense nutty taste, beautiful deep green color.
Pumpkin Seed Oil Offers More about Styria
Pumpkin Seed Oil Premium Quality

Top-quality from the best raw materials. Multiple awarded with gold. Our Styrian Pumpkin Seed Oil is currently available in 250 ml, 500 ml, and 1000 ml units and is freshly pressed weekly.
Ingredients: | 100% Styrian Pumpkin Seeds from the Growing Region PGI |
Nutrition Values (je 100 g) | |
Energy: | 3700 kJ / 900 kcal |
Fat: | 100 g |
Saturated Fat: | 18 g |
Carbonhydrate: | 0 g |
Sugars: | 0 g |
Protein: | 0 g |
Salt/Sodium: | 0 g |

The Gold Medal.
Excellent Pumpkin Seed Oil is an excellent choice. Ours has won the gold medal for the 11th time! We are proud of this, and this seal of quality sticks to every bottle Pumpkin Seed Oil Premium you order from us.Removing Stains
Do not try to remove oil stains with soap. These can be very persistent. Use instead attempted and tested home remedies. Read more about how to eliminate pumpkin seed oil stains in our blog.How to remove pumpkin seed oil stains

An online purchase at is the best way to buy fresh Pumpkin Seed Oil. Here, unlike supermarket shelves, the Pumpkin Oil is not stored for weeks or even months, but pressed each week freshly and shipped immediately. Ordering with us is very easy and does not require any technical knowledge. Your data is always protected with 256-bit encryption, a standard that is also used to exchange military secrets. This means that your transmitted data cannot be viewed by anyone else. Place your Pumpkin Seed Oil Order right away!
Our Commitment to You
Since 2000 our delicatessen from Austria has been making people happy in 109 countries. We are online pioneers of the first order, and we ship finest, purest, and freshest pumpkin seed oil you can trust in. Our awarded pumpkin oil does not only taste like heaven but also supports your health and beauty. For whatever reason you found us: We are glad that you've made it to the right place! Expect the best and visit our online shop.Highest Quality

Hay, vinegar, mud, or even mustiness are some of the aromas that indicate the oil has gone depraved or is of lower quality.
On white porcelain, a bright green is also clearly visible when swiveling the oil, the typical red reflexions only becomes clearly visible when illuminated. If the seeds go too much roasting, the oil gets a brownish rather than reddish shimmer, and it tastes slightly burnt.
Slurp a little of Pumpkin Seed Oil - this also sucks in oxygen and enables aromatic vapors to develop in your mouth. Keep the Pumpkin Seed Oil in the mouth, chew, and roll it on the palate. Gather taste impressions with tongue and palate.
Not only the vintage of the oil pumpkin harvest plays a role, also the origin of the pumpkin seeds. For our Pumpkin Seed Oil, we use exclusively pumpkin seeds from the cultivation region Styrian pumpkin seed oil PGI.
Verifiable Origin

- a white-green band with the "Styrian Pumpkin Seed Oil PGI" logo and
- a consecutive control number on the banderole.
Trace Control Number Pumpkin Seed Oil Shop
The very best Pumpkin Seed Oils in the world compete in annual competitions judged by panels of expert tasters.The best oils end up in our online shop. Order multiple gold medal winners directly to your home and enjoy first-class quality.
Pumpkin Seed Oil Offers
The Brand
The trademark "Styrian Pumpkin Seed Oil PGI" is a guaranteed characteristic of Styrian pumpkin seed oil. Styrian kernel oil producers were already granted the "Protected Geographical Indication (PGI)" in 1996.Purchase Pumpkin Seed Oil
More about the Brand
What means PGI?
Benefits for pets

And with Pumpkin Seed Oil as a food supplement, the four-legged friends also get enough proteins, carbohydrates, and dietary fibers.
Pumpkin Seed Oil for Pets Order fresh Pumpkin Seed Oil
Recipe Ideas
Pumpkin Seed Oil is trendy and extremely versatile for cooking. Whether used as a salad dressing, for pepping up a pumpkin soup or poured on vanilla ice cream: Pumpkin Seed Oil gives almost every dish a decisive something.Recipes Cooking Tips Heating Pumpkin Seed Oil Online Shop