Delicious Pumpkin Seed Oil Recipes
Spicy Spaghetti Squash


  • apple
  • spaghetti squash
  • smoked trout


  • Wash a spaghetti squash (1.5 to 2 kg) and cook the whole pumpkin at 100 °C in a damper or let it simmer in a covered big cooking pot with hot water. Depending on the size it takes 20 to 40 minutes. Don‘t let it get too soft, otherwise the spaghetti lose their bite. Let it cool down.
  • Break the pumpkin in two, remove the peel and the seeds with the loose tissue. Put the flesh in a bowl with little water and pull carefully apart – then it looks like spaghetti.
  • Let it drip off.
  • Cook 1/4 l apple juice with lemon juice, horseradish, salt and nutmeg season. Peel 1-2 apples (according to size), remove the cores and ream gross in the apple juice.
  • Add the spaghetti and mix it.
  • Space it loose on plates, drizzle with oil (eg pumpkin seed oil).
  • Pick a smoked trout per person and deal it.

Author: Heinz Reitbauer (Kurier)

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