Pumpkinseed Oil, also called “The Green Gold”, has an old history. The pumpkin, lat. Cucurbita pepo, originates from Middle America and is mainly in Mexico a culture plant for thousands of years.

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Klicken Sie hier: Die Geschichte des "grünen Golds": Steirisches Kürbiskernöl
After America has been “discovered” the pumpkin was imported to Europe and Asia, where it is still a popular food vegetable.
However, the extraction of pumpkinseed oil out of a mutant pumpkin (Styrian Oil Pumpkin, lat. Cucurbita pepo var. styriaca, auch als var. oleifera bezeichnet) with ist non-stringy seed skins started a long time after.
During the 18th century some knew about the usability of the pumpkin seed. A reference book from 1739 writes about the pumpkin seed: “… it is used often for making cooling emulsions and milks, also other drinks and soups. It is pressed a white, sweet oil out of it which makes a smooth skin …”
Obviously from the same year is the first documented expression of “pumpkin oil”. Three years later, 1742 a last will document mentions the heritage of 14 pounds of pumpkin oil in the Styrian village Rassach.
1773 ordered the Austrian Empress Maria Theresia that pumpkinseedoil should not serve as a normal food but belongs to chemist stores to produce “ointments and plasters”.
According to some records did they study at the beginning of the 18th century not only for the culinaric and healthy usability, but also for military usability of pumpkinseed oil, namely as a lubricant.The Austrian officer who braught up this idea intended to use obviously the polyunsaturated fatty acids in the pumpkinseed oil, which is still the basic material for lubricants today.
At this time, pumpkinseed oil has been pressed with “press trees”. Before World War I pumpkinseed oil was not an article of commerce but was used only for self-supply of the farmers. With growing industrialisation the the first hydraulic oil presses arose.
Today more than 2000 tons of pumpkinseed oil are pressed only in Styria each year. Pumpkinseed oil is distributed in various prices and qualities world-wide. (It is reported that in London a Liter pumpkinseed oil was offered for more than € 90 – probably the nickname “Green Gold” comes from there?)
<a href="https://www.pumpkinseedoil.cc/blog/the-old-history-of-the-green-gold-pumpkin-seed-oil">The old history of the “Green Gold” Pumpkin Seed Oil</a><br>Pumpkinseed Oil, also called “The Green Gold”, has an old history. The pumpkin, lat. Cucurbita pepo, originates from Middle America&is mainly in Mexic
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The old history of the “Green Gold” Pumpkin Seed Oil
Pumpkinseed Oil, also called “The Green Gold”, has an old history. The pumpkin, lat. Cucurbita pepo, originates from Middle America&is mainly in Mexic